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iopcTranslator.h File Reference

Declaration of class IopcTranslator and some helper data structures. More...

#include <iostream>
#include "mop.h"
#include <map>
#include "MetadataWriter.h"
#include "IopcTranslatingSupport.h"

Include dependency graph for iopcTranslator.h:

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struct  GeneralClassInfo
 Basic information about a class (persistent capable or not). More...

class  GeneralClassMap
 This class stores information about all classes found in a source file. More...

class  IopcTranslator
 Main class of IOPC SP. Called by OpenC++ framework to translate individual pieces of parsed source tree. More...

Detailed Description

Declaration of class IopcTranslator and some helper data structures.

Josef Troch (
2003 - 2004

Generated on Wed Aug 11 22:34:14 2004 for IOPC by Doxygen 1.3.6