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iopcLib.h File Reference

Main header of IOPC LIB. For most user applications its enough to include this file only. More...

#include "iopcDllExternal.h"
#include "IopcPersistentObject.h"
#include "IopcExceptions.h"
#include "IopcClassFactory.h"
#include "tRef.h"
#include "tResult.h"
#include "Oracle8iDatabase.h"
#include "cConnection.h"

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class  IopcLib
 Class that represents whole IOPC library. Its (static) method initialize() must be called before using anything from the library. More...

Detailed Description

Main header of IOPC LIB. For most user applications its enough to include this file only.

Josef Troch (

Includes all headers that are necessary for persistence of user classes and declares class IopcLib.

Generated on Wed Aug 11 22:34:03 2004 for IOPC by Doxygen 1.3.6