AttrGroup | Structure containing information about one group of attributes |
AttributeGroup | Information about group of attributes - attributes from one group should be loaded from the database together |
AttributeInfo | Information about one attribute of a class |
AttrInfo | Structure containing information about an (transient or persistent) attribute of some persistent class |
BaseClassInfo | Information about one application class and its mapping |
BigHashTable | |
Bind | |
BindClassName | |
BindEnumName | |
BindTemplateClass | |
BindTemplateFunction | |
BindTypedefName | |
BindVarName | |
BufferItem | |
ChainedRelation< L, R > | |
ChainedRelationBase | |
ChangedMemberList | |
ChangedMemberList::Cmem | |
Class | |
ClassArray | |
ClassBodyWalker | |
ClassHierarchy | Class that represents inheritance graph of application's classes |
ClassHierarchy::TableInfo | Struct containing information about DB table that belongs to the class, that is associated with it in TableInfoMap |
ClassHierarchy::TableInfo::ColumnInfo | Struct with information about one attribute / column |
ClassHierarchy::TableInfoMap | Contains information about tables' columns and so on |
ClassRegister | |
ClassWalker | |
ClassWalker::ClientDataLink | |
Cmd | |
Cmd0 | |
Cmd1 | |
CmdCommit | |
CmdRollback | |
CmdRollbackToSavepoint | |
CmdSavepoint | |
CmdSql | |
ComplexQuery | |
Connection | Abstract class representing connection to a database |
CreateMethodPointers | Helper struct used as value type in ClassFactoryMap - contains pointers to createInstance () and createReference () methods |
Cursor | Abstract class that represents a database cursor |
Database | Abstract class that represents a database |
DatabaseColumnInfo | Structure describing one column in a database table |
DatabaseObject | |
DatabaseSqlStatements | Interface through which database vendor specific SQL statements are generated |
DatabaseTableInfo | Structure describing a database table |
DBSchemaGenerator | Class that is able to generate CREATE SCHEMA \ DROP SCHEMA \ EXPLAIN PLAN SQL statements for given class hierarchy |
DupLeaf | |
Encoding | |
Environment | |
Environment::Array | |
FullClassInfo | Complete information about one application class and its mapping |
GeneralClassInfo | Basic information about a class (persistent capable or not) |
GeneralClassMap | This class stores information about all classes found in a source file |
HashTable | |
HashTableEntry | |
Hint | Abstract parent of all class mapping hints |
HintBuildIndex | Hint that tells IOPC DBSC to build index on columns that correspond to attributes from attributeList |
ImmutableObject | |
InsertUpdateTableInfo | Information about a table used when inserting / updating a row in(to) the table |
IopcAttributeInfo | Struct that stores information about one attribute of a persistent capable class |
IopcClassAttribute | Information about one attribute of a class |
IopcClassFactory | Container that stores pointers to functions that can create new instance of / reference to appropriate IopcPersistentObject ancestor |
IopcClassObject | Interface that provides IopcPersistentObject with access to basic functions of IopcClassObjectImpl |
IopcClassObjectContainer | Container that contains all existing IopcClassObjectImpl-s |
IopcClassObjectImpl | Class whose instances represent individual user's persistent classes. All object data manipulating methods are implemented there |
IopcClassRegistrar< T > | Template used to register class's createInstance() and createReference() functions in iopcClassFactory |
IopcExceptionCannotFindClassObject | Thrown if class object for given IopcPersistentObject cannot be found because the input XML file does not contain information about that class |
IopcExceptionInvalidReference | Thrown if user attempts to use reference Ref<T> that is not valid, because reference to unrelated type was assigned to it |
IopcExceptionInvalidSql | User specified SQL fragment was invalid |
IopcExceptionReferencedObjectDoesntExist | Thrown if accessing persistent association (reference) that points to an object which doesn't exist (object with given OID not found in project's main table) |
IopcExceptionUnexpected | Thrown if some unexpected error occurs. Can be thrown also if user changes XML mapping file in a forbidden way (f.e. deletes some attributes from it) |
IopcImportExportStruct | Type of one entry in IopcClassObjectImpl::importExportArray |
IopcLib | Class that represents whole IOPC library. Its (static) method initialize() must be called before using anything from the library |
IopcLogger | |
IopcPcClassInfo | Struct that stores information about one persistent capable class |
IopcPcClassStore | This class stores information about persistent capable classes. It also defines which attributes are (potentially) persistent |
IopcPersistentObject | Abstract ancestor of all IOPC-style persistent objects |
IopcProtoBaseAdaptor | Prototype class for IopcPersistentObject ancestors |
IopcTranslatingSupport | Class used to generate methods which makes a class persistent capable |
IopcTranslator | Main class of IOPC SP. Called by OpenC++ framework to translate individual pieces of parsed source tree |
Leaf | |
LeafName | |
LeafReserved | |
LeafThis | |
Lex | |
Lex::TokenFifo | |
Lex::TokenFifo::Slot | |
LtStr | Helper struct used as comparator in ClassFactoryMap |
ManyToManyRelation< L, R > | |
ManyToManyRelationBase | |
ManyToOneRelation< L, R > | |
ManyToOneRelationBase | |
Member | |
MemberFunction | |
MemberList | |
MemberList::Mem | |
Metaclass | |
MetadataLoader | Interface for class that loads metadata (information about application's class model) |
MetadataWriter | Interface for class that saves metadata (information about application's class model) |
MWClassHierarchy | ClassHierarchy extended to support some features needed when writing metadata |
NonLeaf | |
Object | Abstract ancestor of all persistent objects |
ObjectBuffer | |
ObjectIdentification | Class that is used as object identification both in POLiTe and in IOPC |
ObjLibException | |
ObjLibException_ConnectionError | |
ObjLibException_DatabaseLock | |
ObjLibException_MemoryLock | |
ObjLibException_NoMemory | |
ObjLibException_NotFound | |
ObjLibException_NotSupported | |
ObjLibException_SqlError | |
ObjRef | |
OneToManyRelation< L, R > | |
OneToManyRelationBase | |
OneToOneRelation< L, R > | |
OneToOneRelationBase | |
opcxx_ListOfMetaclass | |
Oracle8iConnection | Abstraction of connection to an Oracle database using Oracle 8i OCI |
Oracle8iCursor | Class that implements "cursor" functions using Oracle 8i OCI - preparing and executing of SQL statements, fetching data from database and so on |
Oracle8iCursor::IndicatorStruct | Pair of indicator variable and pointer to bool that should be set according to the indicator variable after execution of appropriate SQL statement |
Oracle8iDatabase | Abstraction of a database that is accessed using Oracle 8i OCI |
Oracle8iSqlStatements | Class that implements interface DatabaseSqlStatements on top of Oracle database system |
OracleConnection | Obsolete class - implementation of Connection interface using Oracle v. 7 OCI. Use Oracle8iConnection instead |
OracleCursor | Obsolete class - implementation of old Cursor interface using Oracle v. 7 OCI. Use Oracle8iCursor instead |
OracleDatabase | Obsolete class - implementation of Database interface using Oracle v. 7 OCI. Use Oracle8iDatabase instead |
Parser | |
PersistentObject | |
Program | |
Program::Replacement | |
ProgramFile | |
ProgramFromStdin | |
ProgramString | |
Proto< T > | |
ProtoBase | Abstract ancestor of class prototypes |
Ptree | |
PtreeAccessDecl | |
PtreeAccessSpec | |
PtreeArray | |
PtreeBlock | |
PtreeBrace | |
PtreeClassBody | |
PtreeClassSpec | |
PtreeDeclaration | |
PtreeDeclarator | |
PtreeEnumSpec | |
PtreeExternTemplate | |
PtreeFstyleCastExpr | |
PtreeHead | |
PtreeIter | |
PtreeLinkageSpec | |
PtreeMetaclassDecl | |
PtreeName | |
PtreeNamespaceSpec | |
PtreeTemplateDecl | |
PtreeTemplateInstantiation | |
PtreeTypedef | |
PtreeUserAccessSpec | |
PtreeUserdefKeyword | |
PtreeUsing | |
QueRefProto | |
Query | |
QuoteClass | |
Ref< T > | Template whose instances are used as references to persistent objects |
RefBase | Abstract class representing reference to a persistent object |
RefList< T > | Template that acts as persistent list of references to persistent objects. Example of user defined persistent data type |
RefList_exception | Exception thrown if some error occurs in one of RefList's or RefList_iterator's methods |
RefList_iterator< T > | Forward iterator used to traverse RefList<T>-s |
RefListEntry | Type of entries in RefList<T> |
Relation | |
Result< T > | |
ResultBase | |
rw_table | |
sqlVar | |
TableInfo | Information about one database table that contains persistent objects' data |
TemplateClass | |
TmpClassHierarchy | Helper class - used to allow IopcClassObjectImpl iterating through classes in ClassHierarchy |
TmpClassInfo | Temporary structure used during topological ordering (ClassHierarchy::topologicalSort()) |
Token | |
TranscodedString | Simple class used to transcode given const XMLCh * to const char * |
TypeInfo | |
UnicodeString | Simple class used to transcode given const char * to const XMLCh * |
Walker | |
Walker::NameScope | |
XMLMetadataLoader | MetadataLoader that loads metadata information from a XML file written by XMLMetadataWriter |
XMLMetadataWriter | MetadataWriter that writes metadata information to XML file |
XMLSupportErrorHandler | Simple error handler used when parsing XML documents |