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ClassHierarchy.h File Reference

Declaration of class ClassHierarchy and some helper classes used by it. More...

#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "StdString.h"
#include "IopcDataType.h"
#include "IopcMappingType.h"

Include dependency graph for ClassHierarchy.h:

Include dependency graph

This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:

Included by dependency graph


struct  AttributeInfo
 Information about one attribute of a class. More...

struct  AttributeGroup
 Information about group of attributes - attributes from one group should be loaded from the database together. More...

struct  Hint
 Abstract parent of all class mapping hints. More...

struct  HintBuildIndex
 Hint that tells IOPC DBSC to build index on columns that correspond to attributes from attributeList. More...

struct  BaseClassInfo
 Information about one application class and its mapping. More...

struct  FullClassInfo
 Complete information about one application class and its mapping. More...

class  ClassHierarchy
 Class that represents inheritance graph of application's classes. More...

struct  ClassHierarchy::TableInfo
 Struct containing information about DB table that belongs to the class, that is associated with it in TableInfoMap. More...

struct  ClassHierarchy::TableInfo::ColumnInfo
 Struct with information about one attribute / column. More...

struct  ClassHierarchy::TableInfoMap
 Contains information about tables' columns and so on. More...


typedef std::multimap< CStdString,


enum  FullClassInfoFlags {

Detailed Description

Declaration of class ClassHierarchy and some helper classes used by it.

Josef Troch (
2003 - 2004

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::multimap<CStdString, AttributeInfo> AttributeContainer

Associative container - for given attribute name returns its AttributeInfo.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum FullClassInfoFlags

Flags used when traversing ClassHierarchy (f.e. in ClassHierarchy::checkInheritanceHierarchy()).

Enumeration values:
FCI_NORMAL  The node has not beeen visited yet.
FCI_VISITED  The node has already been visited.
FCI_VISITED_THIS_TURN  The node has been visited in the turn that is currently on the stack.

Generated on Wed Aug 11 22:33:16 2004 for IOPC by Doxygen 1.3.6