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Oracle8iOci.h File Reference

This file includes all necessary Oracle 8i OCI files, solves some problems and defines some arbitrary global functions. More...

#include "oci.h"
#include "ociap.h"

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#define text   OraText
#define OCI_OK_EXT(x)   ((x==OCI_SUCCESS) || (x==OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) || (x==OCI_NO_DATA))
#define OCI_OK(x)   ((x==OCI_SUCCESS))


enum  Oracle8iClassType {


int processOCIErrorGlobal (Oracle8iClassType classType, OCIEnv *ociEnvironment, OCIError *errorHandle, sword ociRetVal, const char *ociFunctionName, const char *myFunctionName, bool useEnvHandle)

Detailed Description

This file includes all necessary Oracle 8i OCI files, solves some problems and defines some arbitrary global functions.

Josef Troch (

Define Documentation

#define text   OraText

To remove problem with redefinition of 'text' (fstream.h x oratypes.h).

#define OCI_OK_EXT  )     ((x==OCI_SUCCESS) || (x==OCI_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) || (x==OCI_NO_DATA))

Is x "OK" return value for OCI call ?

#define OCI_OK  )     ((x==OCI_SUCCESS))

Is x simple "OK" return value for OCI call ("OK" and no additional information present - typical case).

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum Oracle8iClassType

Identifies type of the class, that called processOCIErrorGlobal().

Enumeration values:

Function Documentation

int processOCIErrorGlobal Oracle8iClassType  classType,
OCIEnv *  ociEnvironment,
OCIError *  errorHandle,
sword  ociRetVal,
const char *  ociFunctionName,
const char *  myFunctionName,
bool  useEnvHandle

According to type of ociRetVal creates error message (typically it's necessary to call OCIErrorGet()) and calls logDebugMessage() method of class specified by classType to log the message.

classType Type of Oracle8i* class this function was called from.
ociEnvironment Pointer to OCI environment handle.
errorHandle Pointer to OCI error handle.
ociRetVal Return value of OCI function to handle its (possible) error.
ociFunctionName Name of the OCI function.
myFunctionName Name of member function of specified class, which was the OCI function called from.
useEnvHandle Set if OCIErrorGet() is to be called on ociEnvironment instead of errorHandle.
Return values:
0 OK, no error occured.
-1 Some error occured, OCIErrorGet() hasn't been called.
Other ORA-????? error code (acquired from OCIErrorGet()).

Generated on Wed Aug 11 22:34:42 2004 for IOPC by Doxygen 1.3.6