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Encoding Class Reference

#include <encoding.h>

Collaboration diagram for Encoding:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { MaxNameLen = 256 }

Public Member Functions

 Encoding ()
 Encoding (Encoding &e)
void Clear ()
void Reset (Encoding &)
char * Get ()
bool IsEmpty ()
void CvQualify (Ptree *, Ptree *=nil)
void SimpleConst ()
void GlobalScope ()
void SimpleName (Ptree *)
void NoName ()
void Template (Ptree *, Encoding &)
void Qualified (int)
void Destructor (Ptree *)
void PtrOperator (int)
void PtrToMember (Encoding &, int)
void CastOperator (Encoding &)
void Array ()
void Function (Encoding &args)
void Recursion (Encoding &e)
void StartFuncArgs ()
void EndFuncArgs ()
void Void ()
void EllipsisArg ()
void NoReturnType ()
void ValueTempParam ()
void Insert (unsigned char)
void Insert (char *, int)
void Append (unsigned char)
void Append (char *, int)
void Append (Encoding &e)
void AppendWithLen (char *, int)
void AppendWithLen (Encoding &e)

Static Public Member Functions

void Print (std::ostream &, char *)
char * GetBaseName (char *, int &, Environment *&)
PtreeMakePtree (unsigned char *&, Ptree *)
PtreeMakeQname (unsigned char *&)
PtreeMakeLeaf (unsigned char *&)
bool IsSimpleName (unsigned char *)
PtreeNameToPtree (char *, int)
unsigned char * GetTemplateArguments (unsigned char *, int &)

Static Public Attributes

Ptreebool_t = new LeafBOOLEAN("bool", 4)
Ptreechar_t = new LeafCHAR("char", 4)
Ptreeint_t = new LeafINT("int", 3)
Ptreeshort_t = new LeafSHORT("short", 5)
Ptreelong_t = new LeafLONG("long", 4)
Ptreefloat_t = new LeafFLOAT("float", 5)
Ptreedouble_t = new LeafDOUBLE("double", 6)
Ptreevoid_t = new LeafVOID("void", 4)
Ptreesigned_t = new LeafSIGNED("signed", 6)
Ptreeunsigned_t = new LeafUNSIGNED("unsigned", 8)
Ptreeconst_t = new LeafCONST("const", 5)
Ptreevolatile_t = new LeafVOLATILE("volatile", 8)
Ptreeoperator_name = new LeafReserved("operator", 8)
Ptreenew_operator = new LeafReserved("new", 3)
Ptreeanew_operator = new LeafReserved("new[]", 5)
Ptreedelete_operator = new LeafReserved("delete", 6)
Ptreeadelete_operator = new LeafReserved("delete[]", 8)
Ptreestar = new Leaf("*", 1)
Ptreeampersand = new Leaf("&", 1)
Ptreecomma = new Leaf(",", 1)
Ptreedots = new Leaf("...", 3)
Ptreescope = new Leaf("::", 2)
Ptreetilder = new Leaf("~", 1)
Ptreeleft_paren = new Leaf("(", 1)
Ptreeright_paren = new Leaf(")", 1)
Ptreeleft_bracket = new Leaf("[", 1)
Ptreeright_bracket = new Leaf("]", 1)
Ptreeleft_angle = new Leaf("<", 1)
Ptreeright_angle = new Leaf(">", 1)

Static Private Member Functions

EnvironmentResolveTypedefName (Environment *, char *, int)
int GetBaseNameIfTemplate (unsigned char *, Environment *&)

Private Attributes

unsigned char name [MaxNameLen]
int len

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Enumeration values:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Encoding::Encoding  )  [inline]

Encoding::Encoding Encoding e  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

void Encoding::Clear  )  [inline]

void Encoding::Reset Encoding  ) 

char * Encoding::Get  ) 

bool Encoding::IsEmpty  )  [inline]

void Encoding::CvQualify Ptree ,
Ptree = nil

void Encoding::SimpleConst  )  [inline]

void Encoding::GlobalScope  ) 

void Encoding::SimpleName Ptree  ) 

void Encoding::NoName  ) 

void Encoding::Template Ptree ,

void Encoding::Qualified int   ) 

void Encoding::Destructor Ptree  ) 

void Encoding::PtrOperator int   ) 

void Encoding::PtrToMember Encoding ,

void Encoding::CastOperator Encoding  ) 

void Encoding::Array  )  [inline]

void Encoding::Function Encoding args  )  [inline]

void Encoding::Recursion Encoding e  )  [inline]

void Encoding::StartFuncArgs  )  [inline]

void Encoding::EndFuncArgs  )  [inline]

void Encoding::Void  )  [inline]

void Encoding::EllipsisArg  )  [inline]

void Encoding::NoReturnType  )  [inline]

void Encoding::ValueTempParam  )  [inline]

void Encoding::Insert unsigned  char  ) 

void Encoding::Insert char *  ,

void Encoding::Append unsigned  char  ) 

void Encoding::Append char *  ,

void Encoding::Append Encoding e  )  [inline]

void Encoding::AppendWithLen char *  ,

void Encoding::AppendWithLen Encoding e  )  [inline]

void Encoding::Print std::ostream &  ,
char * 

char * Encoding::GetBaseName char *  ,
int &  ,
Environment *& 

Ptree * Encoding::MakePtree unsigned char *&  ,

Ptree * Encoding::MakeQname unsigned char *&   )  [static]

Ptree * Encoding::MakeLeaf unsigned char *&   )  [static]

bool Encoding::IsSimpleName unsigned char *   )  [static]

Ptree * Encoding::NameToPtree char *  ,

unsigned char * Encoding::GetTemplateArguments unsigned char *  ,
int & 

Environment * Encoding::ResolveTypedefName Environment ,
char *  ,
[static, private]

int Encoding::GetBaseNameIfTemplate unsigned char *  ,
Environment *& 
[static, private]

Member Data Documentation

unsigned char Encoding::name[MaxNameLen] [private]

int Encoding::len [private]

BEGIN_OPENCXX_NAMESPACE Ptree * Encoding::bool_t = new LeafBOOLEAN("bool", 4) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::char_t = new LeafCHAR("char", 4) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::int_t = new LeafINT("int", 3) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::short_t = new LeafSHORT("short", 5) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::long_t = new LeafLONG("long", 4) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::float_t = new LeafFLOAT("float", 5) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::double_t = new LeafDOUBLE("double", 6) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::void_t = new LeafVOID("void", 4) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::signed_t = new LeafSIGNED("signed", 6) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::unsigned_t = new LeafUNSIGNED("unsigned", 8) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::const_t = new LeafCONST("const", 5) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::volatile_t = new LeafVOLATILE("volatile", 8) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::operator_name = new LeafReserved("operator", 8) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::new_operator = new LeafReserved("new", 3) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::anew_operator = new LeafReserved("new[]", 5) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::delete_operator = new LeafReserved("delete", 6) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::adelete_operator = new LeafReserved("delete[]", 8) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::star = new Leaf("*", 1) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::ampersand = new Leaf("&", 1) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::comma = new Leaf(",", 1) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::dots = new Leaf("...", 3) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::scope = new Leaf("::", 2) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::tilder = new Leaf("~", 1) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::left_paren = new Leaf("(", 1) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::right_paren = new Leaf(")", 1) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::left_bracket = new Leaf("[", 1) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::right_bracket = new Leaf("]", 1) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::left_angle = new Leaf("<", 1) [static]

Ptree * Encoding::right_angle = new Leaf(">", 1) [static]

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