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IOPC DBSC error and warning messages.


#define DBSC_ERROR_NO_INPUT_FILE   "No input file specified."
#define DBSC_ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_READING   "Cannot open file \"%s\" for reading."
#define DBSC_ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_WRITING   "Cannot open file \"%s\" for writing."
#define DBSC_ERROR_MISSING_PARAMETER   "Missing parameter for option \"%s\"."
#define DBSC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION   "Invalid option \"%s\"."
#define DBSC_ERROR_TWO_FILES_GIVEN   "Invalid command line - two files given: \"%s\" and \"%s\"."
#define DBSC_WRN_CREATION_COMMENTS   "Option \"-g\" (generate comments into schema creation script) specified, but \"-c\" (generate schema creation script) not specified. Ignoring."
#define DBSC_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_COLUMN_TYPE   "Class \"%s\", attribute \"%s\": attribute of C++ type \"%s\" cannot be stored in column of type \"%s\". Recommended column type is \"%s\"."

Define Documentation

#define DBSC_ERROR_NO_INPUT_FILE   "No input file specified."

#define DBSC_ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_READING   "Cannot open file \"%s\" for reading."

#define DBSC_ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE_FOR_WRITING   "Cannot open file \"%s\" for writing."

#define DBSC_ERROR_MISSING_PARAMETER   "Missing parameter for option \"%s\"."

#define DBSC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPTION   "Invalid option \"%s\"."

#define DBSC_ERROR_TWO_FILES_GIVEN   "Invalid command line - two files given: \"%s\" and \"%s\"."

#define DBSC_WRN_CREATION_COMMENTS   "Option \"-g\" (generate comments into schema creation script) specified, but \"-c\" (generate schema creation script) not specified. Ignoring."

#define DBSC_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_COLUMN_TYPE   "Class \"%s\", attribute \"%s\": attribute of C++ type \"%s\" cannot be stored in column of type \"%s\". Recommended column type is \"%s\"."

Generated on Wed Aug 11 22:36:51 2004 for IOPC by Doxygen 1.3.6