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AttrGroup Struct Reference

Structure containing information about one group of attributes. More...

#include <iopcClassObjectImpl.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

CStdString name
bool persistent
CStdString selectStmt

Detailed Description

Structure containing information about one group of attributes.

Attributes from the same group are loaded from the database when first of them is accessed (see IopcClassOnject::loadAttribute()).

First group in GroupVector is always default fetch group. Attributes from this group are loaded when the object is retrieved from the database. Default fetch group can be empty.

The group (among other less important information) contains list of indexes to appropriate AttrVector - these indexes identify individual attributes of the group.

Member Data Documentation

CStdString AttrGroup::name

Name of the group (currently not used for anything).

bool AttrGroup::persistent

Are the group attributes persistent?

CStdString AttrGroup::selectStmt

SQL statement that gets all attributes of this group from the database. Initialized by IopcClassObjectImpl::generateLoadAttrGroupSqlStmts().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Aug 11 22:35:05 2004 for IOPC by Doxygen 1.3.6