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XMLMetadataWriter.cpp File Reference

Implementation of class XMLMetadataWriter. More...

#include "XMLMetadataWriter.h"
#include "XMLStrings.h"
#include "XMLMetadataHelpers.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include "DatabaseSqlStatements.h"

Include dependency graph for XMLMetadataWriter.cpp:

Include dependency graph


bool operator== (const FullClassInfo &first, const FullClassInfo &second)
bool operator!= (const FullClassInfo &first, const FullClassInfo &second)


XMLMetadataWriter xmlMetadataWriter
MetadataWritermetadataWriter = &xmlMetadataWriter

Detailed Description

Implementation of class XMLMetadataWriter.

Josef Troch (
2003 - 2004

Function Documentation

bool operator== const FullClassInfo first,
const FullClassInfo second

Operator used to compare FullClassInfo-s.

Used by XMLMetadataWriter::loadTmpFile() to recognize two different descriptions of the same class.

Not declared in ClassHierarchy.h because it doesn't compare all FullClassInfo's attributes, only attributes set by XMLMetadataWriter::loadTmpFile().
0 if given class descriptions are different, 1 otherwise.

bool operator!= const FullClassInfo first,
const FullClassInfo second

Operator used to compare FullClassInfo-s.

See also:
1 if given class descriptions are different, 0 otherwise.

Variable Documentation

XMLMetadataWriter xmlMetadataWriter

The one and (in typical case) the only instance of XMLMetadataWriter.

MetadataWriter* metadataWriter = &xmlMetadataWriter

Declaration of a pointer to a object that implements interface MetadataWriter. The pointer is defined in the library, that contain's object implementation (currently library XMLMetadataWriter).

IOPC SP saves metadata using this object.

Generated on Wed Aug 11 22:35:02 2004 for IOPC by Doxygen 1.3.6